Published on
8 July 2023

Newett v Newett


The Newett v Newett Case:

"EVIDENCE is the Currency of the Court", says Justice Michael Baumann. If so, why does he refuse to admit the evidence of child sexual abuse to Trial? That's simple.

He refuses to admit EVIDENCE to make sure he doesn't have to make findings of Sexual Abuse by the Father against the Children. This is called Cherry-Picking the Evidence. It tips the balance on the scales of justice towards the Father. Justice Baumann has no Blindfold. He has a staff that he uses to whack Mothers over the head with if they dare challenge a Father's right to control, dominate and have sex with his Children.

It does not matter that three young girls may have been raped for 5 years by their Father who has a very large brain injury and there is OBVIOUS evidence of Family Violence by the Father against the Mother and Children. The Father denies the sexual abuse, and the Judge believes him.

It doesn't matter that the medical scans show the Father's massive brain injury; and he denied  under cross-examination having one at all. He was still deemed "credible" by the Judge. The Judge's favourite Psychiatrist, Dr Varghese, confirmed in evidence that if a person consistently denies a FACT where the objective evidence is presented to him, he would be classed as clinically "delusional".

So... he has a definite brain injury and denies it. He also denies being affiliated at any point with the Australian Brotherhood of Fathers - an aggressive Mens Right's Activist (MRA) group who terrorise and stalk women (for each other) in Family Law matters. The evidence was handed up at Trial of him being actively involved. Yet, Justice Baumann ignores these transgressions - direct perjury, a criminal offence in his own courtroom. So when the Father denies child sexual abuse, why is he deemed credible?

Way before Trial, from 2020, Justice Baumann already had an outcome in favour of giving the Children to the Father permanently and removing the Mother from their Lives. The Trial was just for formality to pretend he follows "due process". He stated very clearly in January 2022 "the Mother will likely Appeal the results", then took a further 7 months to bring down judgment to extend the length of time the Children would have to stay with the Father (and be controlled, abused and raped).

The Appeal was handed down in March 2023, immediately after NEW EVIDENCE emerged of the Father's sexual abuse of the Children and the AFP likely tipped off the Family Court judges. Justices Aldridge, Kali and Brasch dismissed the Appeal - having directly lied and fabricated findings of fact, in order to dismiss it.

We will upload the Audio Files and Evidence, so you can SEE & HEAR IT ALL FOR YOURSELF.







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